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Lamar Thorpe: Sexual Harassment

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Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe's sexual harassment cost taxpayers  $350,000.

The County was forced to pay $350,000 after an independent investigation substantiated three sexual harassment allegations made by two female employees against Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe.


The women were employees of Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe at the Los Medanos Healthcare District.

Thorpe Tried to Evade Responsibility

Thorpe's pattern of violation followed by denial of wrong-doing has been a part of his history for decades. Years ago Thorpe was found guilty of disorderly conduct for Lewd and Indecent Behavior with a young college student. "Thorpe was found in violation of disorderly conduct because he continued to encourage sexual acts with the victim, even as she continued to become more intoxicated, according to the Findings of Fact Report." (GW Hatchet 8/30/07)

His History: Violation Followed by Denial

The investigator found the women’s accounts credible and corroborated. Thorpe, however, was “vague in his responses,” unresponsive to some questions, and “several of his statements were contradicted by other statements and evidence,” the report noted.

Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe

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CAUTION: Disturbing Material - This link will bring you to the witness statements that led to the County paying $350,000 for Lamar Thorpe's sexual harassment.

Because of Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe's pattern of failing to take responsibility for his actions, he will likely deny that he was found guilty of disorderly conduct for lewd and indecent behavior. So we've included a link to the news article detailing the incident.

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