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Gus Kramer

Lamar Thorpe: Illegal Meetings

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DA investigated illegal city meetings at the home of Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe

Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe's serious misconduct led the District Attorney to open an investigation which uncovered the secret meetings at Mayor Hernandez-Thorpe's home where official city business was likely conducted while excluding the public.

Thorpe to face criminal liability if he continues to convene secret meetings.​

Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe's secret meetings were part of a pattern of reckless leadership that led the County Grand Jury to uncover that the Mayor has overstepped his authority in seeking to make personnel decisions that could adversely affect the City of Antioch.

Irresponsible With the Public's Trust

At a time when Antioch's problems are getting worse and we need to come together as a community, Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe began having secret meetings which excluded public input, avoided public review and side-stepped public accountability.


The Mayor didn't trust the public, and the public shouldn't trust Mayor.

Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe

Unfit to Serve • Not Right for Antioch

Vote NO

"...any similar meeting on matters concerning the city could subject [Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe] to criminal liability.”

- Contra Costa County Civil Grand Jury Report 6/12/24

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